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Modi govt appoints directors, deputy and joint secretaries to improve productivity

The appointment of 22 directors/deputy secretaries and three joint secretaries has been approved by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet, which is led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They will be joining various central government ministries.

Shruti Chopra
Last Updated : Saturday, 02 March 2024
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As part of the Modi government's progressive plan to infuse more talent to further improve ease of governance, authorities announced on Friday that 25 specialists from the private sector will soon be joining critical jobs in the Center.

They added that 22 directors/deputy secretaries and three joint secretaries have been appointed to various central government ministries by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC), which is presided over by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Hiring in private sector

According to the officials, the most recent induction is being carried out through the lateral entry mode, also known as the hiring of private sector professionals in government departments, with the goal of bringing new ideas and talent into the government.

Officers of the all-India services, which include the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Forest Service (IFoS), and other Group A services, often hold the positions of joint secretaries, directors, and deputy secretaries.

Recruitment process

Recruitments are conducted at the joint secretary, director, and deputy secretary levels under the 2018 lateral entry system. These officers are crucial to the formulation of policy. Officers who pass the lateral entry procedure are integrated into the government structure.

Recruitments for roles requiring domain specializations are made under the lateral entry plan, either from the private sector or from state governments, autonomous organizations, public sector undertakings, etc.

New appointments 

For the first time, the Personnel Ministry opened applications for ten joint secretary-rank positions in June 2018 through the lateral entrance route. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) handled the hiring process for these positions.

According to the officials cited above, the Commission had once more in October 2021 nominated 31 individuals for appointment as directors (19), deputy secretaries (9), and joint secretaries (3) in various central government ministries.

It has been reported that, 38 professionals from the private sector, comprising 10 joint secretaries and 28 directors/deputy secretaries, have joined the government thus far.

As per reports, 33 such specialists—eight joint secretaries, sixteen directors, and nine deputy secretaries—are currently employed by important government ministries. Two of the joint secretaries have already served their entire three-year term.