A team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) was attacked on Saturday morning in Bhupatinagar in East Midnapore district of West Bengal. NIA officers had arrived there to investigate the 2022 blast case at the house of a Trinamool Congress leader, when the angry mob started pelting stones at their car, due to which the windscreen of the car was damaged.NIA team attacked with stonesThere is no news of anyone getting injured yet. The incident occurred around 5.30 in the morning. A complaint has been filed by the NIA team against Manabendra Jana and unknown person. NIA officer had reached the spot to arrest Manabendra Jana.A team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) was attacked on Saturday morning in Bhupatinagar in East Midnapore district of West Bengal. NIA officers had arrived there to investigate the 2022 blast case at the house of a Trinamool Congress leader, when the angry mob started pelting stones at their car, due to which the windscreen of the car was damaged.Two injuries reported According to sources, two NIA officers have suffered minor injuries in this attack. The incident occurred around 5.30 in the morning. A complaint has been filed by the NIA team against Manabendra Jana and unknown person. NIA officer had reached the spot to arrest Manabendra Jana.