A disturbing incident has emerged from Chamoli, Uttarakhand, where Dilshad Alam was reported to have been stalking and molesting a minor Hindu girl studying in the 6th grade in Srinagar Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. According to the sources, terrified by Alams relentless harassment, the girl had begun to avoid attending school.Local Hindu organizations, upon discovering the abuse, took decisive action. They apprehended Alam and handed him over to the police for legal processing and treatment. This intervention underscores the communitys commitment to tackling such serious offenses and protecting vulnerable individuals.After the molestation in Chamoli Nandanagar, now Dilshad Alam used to stalk a minor Hindu girl studying in class 6 in Srinagar (Devbhoomi Uttarakhand) on a daily basisHe used to molest her. The scared girl had started avoiding going to schoolWhen local Hindu organizations… pic.twitter.com/6a3I0qaXa7— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates) September 4, 2024The police officials are now investigating the case.70-year-old man booked under POCSO actIn a separate and equally shocking development, a 70-year-old man named Mohd Anwar from Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, has been booked under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The arrest follows the viral spread of a video on social media, which depicted Anwar molesting a minor tribal girl at her shop.The video, which rapidly circulated across social media platforms, captured the abhorrent act and led to widespread public outrage. The swift action taken by local authorities emphasizes the ongoing need to address child sexual abuse and safeguard minors from such exploitation.Uttar Pradesh, Sitapur: In a shocking incident A 70 year old Mohd Anwar arrested under POCSO act for molesting minor girls after a video of him molesting a minor tribal girl went viral on social media. pic.twitter.com/yhkRuhyLAe— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates) September 4, 2024The rapid dissemination of these videos has prompted both community and legal responses, highlighting the urgency of addressing child abuse issues. The cases reflect a broader societal challenge and reinforce the importance of vigilance and immediate action to protect children.