Minor gangrape victim gives birth to girl amid hunger strike

The incident began in August 2023 in the small village of Payagpur. The young girl was kidnapped and transported to Haryana. There, four men took turns and raped her. After the attack, the assailants fled, leaving her in a terrible state.

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Crime News: In a horrifying turn of events in Uttar Pradesh's Bahraich, a 15-year-old girl was kidnapped and taken to Haryana, where she was gang-raped by four men. This brutal assault led to her pregnancy and a long, painful struggle for justice. The incident began in August 2023 in the small village of Payagpur. The young girl was kidnapped and transported to Haryana. There, four men took turns and raped her. They ignored her desperate pleas for mercy. After the attack, the assailants fled, leaving her in a terrible state. A few days later, the girl discovered she was pregnant.

Family's desperate search for justice

Upon learning of their daughter’s disappearance, her family reported it to the police. The authorities launched an investigation and found the girl in Haryana. She recounted her ordeal to her family, who then began tirelessly seeking justice and demanding the arrest of the perpetrators. Despite their efforts, little action was taken by the authorities.

Hunger strike for action

With her delivery date approaching and no justice in sight, the victim and her family resorted to a hunger strike at the Collectorate. The pregnant minor, sat alongside her family in protest, hoping to draw attention to their plight and pressure the authorities into action.

New life amidst struggle

Late on Friday night, the girl's condition worsened. She was taken to the women's hospital, where she gave birth to a baby girl. Both mother and child are now receiving medical care under police supervision.

Despite the birth of her baby, the young mother’s fight for justice is far from over. The police claim they have formed several teams and have found important clues regarding the suspects, promising arrests soon. However, the lack of swift action has left the family frustrated and determined to continue their fight.