Crime against woman (Representative Image) (flickr)
A shocking incident has emerged from Lohianagar in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, where a 15-year-old girl was brutally gang-raped. The teenager, who was attending sewing classes, failed to return home yesterday. Her family’s search for her led to a chilling discovery.
According to the sources, the girl's family found her bleeding and unconscious in an empty house close to their residence. Neighbors revealed that a boy initially brought the girl to the house, followed by several others who assaulted her. The girl fell unconscious from the assault, and her attackers fled the scene.
मेरठ के लोहियानगर में एक 15 वर्षीय बच्ची के साथ हुई गैंगरेप की घटना बेहद ही डराने वाली है, लड़की सिलाई सीखने जाती है लेकिन कल घर नही लौटी, घर वालों ना लौटने पर ढूंढना शुरू किया तो पास के खाली मकान में बच्ची लहूलुहान और बेहोशी की हालत में, पड़ोसियों ने बताया इस मकान में एक लड़का…
— Zakir Ali Tyagi (@ZakirAliTyagi) September 8, 2024
Local residents and the police are in shock over the crime. Authorities have launched an urgent investigation to identify and arrest the assailants. The community is calling for justice and heightened measures to prevent such incidents in the future.
The horrific nature of this crime has led to a demand for immediate and decisive action from law enforcement. There is a strong plea from the local community for better protection and support for young girls to prevent such tragedies.
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