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A Badaun Court judge sentenced killing a seven-year-old girl through fatal head blows after failure to commit rape leading to death penalty and imposing Rs 1,75,000 fine. At the same time as delivering his decision judge Deepak Kumar established a penalty amount of Rs 1,75,000.
Last year on October 18 the situation occurred in Bilsi which belongs to Badaun district. Seven-year-old girl never returned after buying vegetables which generated worry within his extended family who then reached out to the police. The police investigation led to the discovery of the girl's dead body inside a crumbling house while her clothing spread out untidily.
Discolorations from injuries were discovered both on her face and her neck area. The police created a legal record based on the sexual assault under the POCSO Act and murder.Police identified Jaane Alam through CCTV city surveillance until they located him for his subsequent arrest which led to his detention at the local jail.
The court established its verdict after a hearing period of four months and issued a death sentence to the accused. The father of the victim conveyed contentment following the ruling because the court had handed down a capital punishment to the criminal. According to him they were satisfied by the legal ruling