In a distressing incident in the Malavani area of Maharashtra, a 34-year-old man named Shabbir Khan has been arrested for allegedly throwing acid on his wife after she confronted him about his extramarital affair. The victim has been admitted to Cooper Hospital, where she is receiving medical treatment for her severe injuries.Maharashtra | A 34-year-old man identified as Shabbir Khan threw acid on his wifes face after she came to know about his extramarital affair, in the Malavani area. The injured woman is admitted to Cooper Hospital and is under medical treatment. The accused was arrested and a…— ANI (@ANI) September 27, 2024According to the sources, the couple, who had a love marriage in 2019, faced significant challenges shortly after tying the knot. The woman discovered that her husband was not only unemployed but also struggling with drug addiction and involved in an affair. These revelations ultimately prompted her to seek a divorce from Shabbir.For the past three months, the woman had been living with her mother in Malad to escape the turmoil in her marriage. However, on the morning of September 25, Shabbir forcibly entered her mothers home and attacked her with a corrosive substance, resulting in critical injuries.Following the assault, the Mumbai Police swiftly apprehended Shabbir Khan. A case has been registered against him under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including 124(2), 311, 333, and 352. The authorities are treating this case with the utmost seriousness due to the heinous nature of the crime.Community outrageThis incident has sparked outrage in the local community, raising concerns about domestic violence and the urgent need for legal protection for victims. Many are calling for stricter measures to address such alarming acts of violence against women.As the investigation unfolds, the focus remains on supporting the victim and ensuring justice is served.