New Delhi: Samajwadi Party (SP) Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan recently created a light-hearted moment in the Rajya Sabha, which brought smiles and laughter to the members, including Speaker Jagdeep Dhankhar. On Friday, as she began her address, she humorously referred to herself as Jaya Amitabh Bachchan, a nod to an earlier incident that had sparked her ire.As it happenedThe incident dates back to a session where Jaya Bachchan was called to speak and was addressed as Jaya Amitabh Bachchan by Deputy Chairperson Harivansh Narayan Singh. At that time, she had expressed her displeasure, stating that being identified by her husbands name suggested that a woman had no identity of her own and needed her husbands name for validity in society.Jayas good-humored digHowever, Jaya Bachchans latest approach was more playful. Her self-reference as Jaya Amitabh Bachchan was a clever way to revisit the issue while generating laughter. Her words Sir, main Jaya Amitabh Bachchan aapse puch rahi hun, delivered with a knowing gesture, instantly lightened the atmosphere in the House.Jibe at the speakerJaya Bachchan further engaged in a friendly exchange with Rajya Sabha Speaker Jagdeep Dhankhar, teasing him about mentioning Congress leader Jairam Ramesh. She jokingly remarked that the Speakers day is not complete without mentioning Jairam Ramesh. To this, Dhankhar quipped, I had lunch with him today, prompting laughter from the members present.Jaya Bachchans comments cleverly addressed her earlier frustration with humor. The deputy chairperson, Harivansh Narayan Singh, had previously explained that he used her full name as listed. Jayas playful approach on Friday indicated a shift to humor to tackle the same issue.