The Mumbai Police received a terror mail with contents threatening to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday. The sender also threatened to blow up the Narendra Modi stadium where in Ahmedabad, where several ICC Mens Cricket World Cup matches are scheduled. A ransom money of Rs 500 was also asked to deliver and release the notorious gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. The mail further mentioned that the terrorist body had already dispatched people to carry out the above-mentioned tasks.Lawrence Bishnoi who is an accused in the murder case of singer Sidhu Moosewala is currently lodged in Mandoli jail, Delhi. According to the police, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) was the first one to receive this mail. The origins of this mail are said to be in Europe, and the federal agency alerted the Mumbai police about the same.Mail received threatening to kill PM Narendra Modi “We have received the email from the NIA, which has alerted all concerned agencies in other places as well. We also got the email ID from which the NIA got the email and are trying to trace that as well, and prima facie it seems that the mail has come from Europe,” a police officer said, adding that the message appears to be a hoax or mischief played by someone sitting in a foreign country, but they have still launched the manhunt for the sender, and the security of all cricket matches will be reviewed and beefed up if required.“We will blow up Narendra Modi and the Narendra Modi stadium as well if the government fails to pay us ₹500 crore and release Lawrence Bishnoi. Everything sells in Hindustan, so we too have bought something. No matter how much you secure, you wont be able to remain safe from us. If you wish to talk, do so on this email,” read the email sent to the NIA.The police has already launched a case against Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a Khalistani leader, who has threatened to attack the World Cup matches. There weeks ago he also threatened to revenge Shaheed Nijars assassination.