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A shocking incident has been surfaced from Maharashtra where two tiger corpses were found in the Kolsa forest range of Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve on Monday. One of the carcasses was a two-year-old cub, whose flesh was largely eaten in the back. A few metres away, the six-year-old tiger's carcass with severe wounds was discovered.
According to the information, the two large cats may have been killed by another tiger following a violent, bloody territorial dispute, according to autopsies done on the corpses, and the cub may have been eaten.
The two of the tigers have been identified as T-142 and T92, as a sub-adult of tigress.
Eating a member of the same species as food is known as Cannibalism. In the animal kingdom, cannibalism is a typical ecological interaction that has been observed in over 1,500 species. There is ample evidence of cannibalism among humans, both in the past and in the present.