A three-story building in Shahbaz village, Navi Mumbai, fell on Saturday morning, causing numerous individuals to be trapped. According to Purushottam Jadhav, Deputy Fire Officer in Navi Mumbai, two individuals have been rescued while the other two are probably still imprisoned.As per updates, at 4:50 in the morning, we got a call regarding a building collapse. There are two survivors. Rescue efforts are in progress to free the two persons who are most likely trapped, Jadhav told ANI.Rescue efforts are under progress, according to Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation Commissioner Kailas Shinde.#WATCH | Maharashtra: A three-storey building collapsed in Navi Mumbais Shahbaz village several people are feared trapped.Police, fire brigade and NDRF present at the spot. Rescue operations are underway. More details awaited. pic.twitter.com/RL4bDeBRi0— ANI (@ANI) July 27, 2024More details awaited…Meanwhile, it is important to note that another similar incident was reported on July 20, when a portion of building got collapsed close to the Grant Road Railway Station. The incessant rains in Maharashtra have left the cities to a standstill, disrupting public transport services in Maharashtra which is causing inconvenience to countless commuters.