The Mahadev Betting app has been trending since the Enforcement Directorate (ED) sent a summon to famous celebrities including Ranbir Kapoor, Kapil Sharma, and Hina Khan, among others. The mastermind behind this online betting app Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal have a widespread network not only in India but also in UAE, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan. Both the culprits are earning more than ₹200 crore daily. Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal have built their empire in the UAE.From rags to richesAccording to media sources, Chandrakar was running a juice shop in Chattisgarhs Bhilai and Uppal owned a tyre shop before. After a few years, both of them went to Dubai and met a Sheikh and a Pakistani national. Together, they set up the Mahadev online betting app, and the duo made an empire for themselves.Came under ED scannerSourabh Chandrakar allegedly spent ₹200 crore in cash to organise a lavish wedding in Dubai in February and hired a private jet to fly his family from Bhilai and Nagpur to UAE. He also invited 14 Bollywood celebrities to perform at his wedding and now all the celebrities are put under EDs radar.Who all are summoned by EDTill now, ED has summoned celebrities including Ranbir Kapoor, Kapil Sharma, Hina Khan, Huma Qureshi, and Shraddha Kapoor, among others.More on Mahadev Online Betting app caseAccording to the officials, the Mahadev Online Betting App is run from a central head office in the UAE. ED also said that it operates by franchising panels or branches to its known associates and gives them 70-30 per cent of the profit ratio.