In a distressing turn of events, a man stands accused of brutally attacking his elderly parents with an iron rod while they slept in their home in Kutwar village, Madhya Pradeshs Morena district. The accused, reported to suffer from mental illness, left his parents dead at the scene of the crime. The victims, identified as Om Prakash Sharma (70) and Urmila Sharma (65), met a tragic end at the hands of their own son. The accused also attempted to harm his younger brother, who narrowly escaped with minor injuries to his legs. Om Prakash Sharma, a retired teacher with five children, resided with two of his sons, while the others lived elsewhere.Police investigation underwayThe Basaiya police station has initiated an investigation into the incident, aiming to bring the perpetrator to justice. Despite the efforts of law enforcement, the accused remains at large, evading capture.Similar tragedy in RajasthanThis incident echoes a recent tragedy in Rajasthans Baran district, where another man was arrested for the alleged murder of his parents. The dispute over pension and property culminated in violence, resulting in the fatal assault of the accuseds parents with a sharp weapon. Gahendra Gautam (50), the accused, reportedly engaged in a heated argument with his parents, leading to a violent fight that claimed their lives. At the time of the incident, Gautams wife and children were present in the household.Legal ramificationsAfter a complaint lodged by Gautams younger brother, charges were filed against Gautam, his wife, and children under Section 302 (murder) of the IPC. Police have conducted a thorough investigation at the crime scene and have arranged for post-mortem examinations of the victims bodies.