In a tragic turn of events in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a love marriage that took place just two months ago ended in the brutal killing of the wife. The husband allegedly stabbed his wife to death, suspecting her of having illicit relations with someone else. The incident unfolded shortly after their love marriage, leaving the community shocked and saddened.Arrest after encounterThe accused, identified as Shiva Gupta from Panki Katra in the Panki police station area, had tied the knot with Gunjan Gautam on February 13 at the Arya Samaj temple. However, the marital bliss was short-lived as Shiva allegedly took the extreme step of murdering his wife with a knife. Following the heinous crime, Shiva fled from the scene, evading law enforcement for a brief period.When did it happenThe matter came to light when Shiva informed his landlord about the murder on April 17. Upon reaching Shivas residence, the landlord discovered the locked door and promptly informed the police. Law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, broke into the locked room, and found Gunjans lifeless body lying in a pool of blood.Acting on the complaint filed by the deceaseds mother, the Panki police registered a murder case against Shiva. After receiving information about Shivas whereabouts, the police laid a trap near the Kapili underpass. When Shiva attempted to escape and opened fire on the police, they retaliated by shooting him in the leg. Subsequently, Shiva was apprehended and taken to the hospital for medical treatment.— POLICE COMMISSIONERATE KANPUR NAGAR (@kanpurnagarpol) April 30, 2024Police statementSpeaking on the encounter, ACP Panki Tej Bahadur Singh stated that Shiva Gupta, the accused in the murder case, was apprehended following a police encounter. The police had been on a 14-day search operation for Shiva, tracking his movements across different districts before successfully nabbing him based on intelligence provided by an informer.