New Delhi: In a pivotal BJP gathering gearing up for the upcoming general elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi articulated a strategic imperative — secure over 50 percent of seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The closed-door meeting held in New Delhi echoed PM Modis call for a resolute mission, setting the tone for the partys ambitious electoral goals.PM Modi recalls 300-seat triupmhPM Modi, recalling the triumph of 303 seats in 2019, emphasized that sustained effort in a mission mode would propel the party to surpass its previous electoral achievements. The directive serves as a rallying cry for BJP leaders to consolidate their efforts and approach the upcoming elections with unwavering determination.Battling on social mediaAcknowledging the influence of social media, PM Modi advised the partys leadership to express views assertively in the digital sphere. Counteracting negative narratives from the opposition, he urged the dissemination of positive responses grounded in factual information. This directive underscores the evolving landscape of political communication and the BJPs commitment to leveraging digital platforms effectively.Comprehensive party meetingThe two-day meeting witnessed the participation of BJPs national office bearers, state in-charges, state presidents, state general secretaries, and heads of various party wings. The comprehensive discussion touched upon multifaceted strategies, encompassing electoral preparations, communication tactics, and public outreach.Viksit Bharat Sankalp YatraAn integral aspect of the discussion was the continued implementation of Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, a nationwide campaign initiated by the government to promote and create awareness about central government welfare schemes. Leaders were urged to amplify their efforts in showcasing the positive impact of government initiatives, aligning with the BJPs commitment to good governance.Post-election analysisReflecting on recent victories in state assembly elections, the party leaders expressed optimism, anticipating a triumphant third consecutive victory at the central level in the upcoming elections scheduled before May 2024. PM Modis assurance of a hat-trick for the BJP resonated, solidifying the partys confidence in its electoral prowess.As the BJP navigates the intricate landscape of electoral politics, PM Modis strategic directives underscore a forward-looking approach. The emphasis on a mission-oriented strategy, digital communication, and sustained public engagement positions the BJP as a formidable contender in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha polls.