New Delhi: In a significant move, the Election Commission has instructed the Centre to cease the dissemination of bulk WhatsApp messages through the Viksit Bharat Sampark initiative, aimed at showcasing government endeavors.The Election Commission has ordered the Narendra Modi-led Bhartiya Janata Party to take down messages being send as promotion under the guise of Viksit Bharat campaign. Alleged violation: Viksit Bharat Sampark WhatsApp messagesThe controversy arises from the widespread dissemination of bulk messages on WhatsApp under the guise of Viksit Bharat Sampark, accompanied by a letter purportedly from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The letter, primarily highlighting the governments achievements over the last decade, requested feedback from the recipients.Complaints and investigationFollowing a complaint lodged via the ECIs C-Vigil App by a resident of Chandigarh, alleging the misuse of official government channels during the election period, an investigation was initiated. Vinay Pratap Singh, Chandigarhs returning officer, affirmed that the District Media Certification & Monitoring Committee identified the issue as a prima facie violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC).Violation referred to Election Commission of IndiaGiven the nationwide ramifications of the matter, Chandigarh authorities forwarded it to the Election Commission of India (ECI) for appropriate action. The involvement of the Government of India and Meta (formerly Facebook), along with the international reach of the messages, necessitated scrutiny at the national level.(This story is developing. More information will be provided as it unfolds.)