Crime News: A tragic incident unfolded at a Burger King outlet in Delhis Rajouri Garden area, where a 26-year-old man named Aman Joon was brutally shot dead. The shooting has been linked to a woman known as Lady Don Anu, who allegedly honey-trapped the victim. Recently, Anu was spotted at Katra Railway Station in Jammu and Kashmir. CCTV footage captured Anu at the Katra Railway Station on the morning of June 20. In the video, she is seen with her face covered by a scarf, carrying luggage, and running towards a train. Anu boarded the Bombay Swaraj Superfast train, taking a seat in the last bogie of the general compartment. It is believed she may have disembarked at a station in Gujarat.Anus criminal backgroundAnu hails from Rohtak, Haryana, and has a notable criminal record. She is closely associated with fugitive gangster Himanshu Bhau, who is currently suspected to be in Portugal. Police sources reveal that Anu played a crucial role in setting up the trap that led to Amans murder at the Burger King outlet.Heres the CCTV footage of railway station:Police investigation underwayPolice teams are actively searching for Anu to bring her to justice. Her connection to Himanshu Bhau, who is affiliated with the notorious Neeraj Bawana gang, has made this case a high priority for law enforcement. Bhau has openly claimed responsibility for the murder in a social media post, citing it as revenge for the killing of Shakti Dada, a cousin of Neeraj Bawana.Pre-murder footage surfacesBefore the shooting, another CCTV footage showed Anu sitting with Aman at the Burger King outlet. The chilling video captures the moment when gunmen opened fire, unleashing 36 bullets. Additional footage revealed Anus movements on the day of the murder, including her journey from GTB Nagar Metro Station to Rajouri Garden and later to Shakurpur Metro Station.Complex web of revengeThe motive behind Amans murder appears to be rooted in a revenge plot. Aman was reportedly involved in tipping off Shaktis killers, leading to a retaliatory attack orchestrated by the Neeraj Bawana gang and its associates, including Himanshu Bhau and Navin Bali.