A disheartening news has surfaced from Rajasthans Kota where another suicide has been reported by a National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) aspirant. The student found hanging in his room just days before third attempt for cracking the competitive test. A suicide note found at the incident scene, which reads, “Sorry Papa, I couldnt do it this year as well.”According to the sources, the victim has been identified as Bharat Kumar Rajput who was found hanging on Tuesday morning. This is second suspected suicide case in Kota in past 48 hours. He was staying in the Rajiv Gandhi Nagar area as a paying guest from past one year and was preparing for medical entrance. He was staying with his nephew, Rohit, who was also preparing for Neet exams, as per officials. Rohit was not in the room when the incident happened, when he returned at around 11.15, he found room locked from inside. The police recovered a note from the room, saying Sorry Papa, main is saal bhi nahi kar paya (Sorry papa, I couldnt do it this year as well).Preliminary investigation reveals that the victim was in pressure due to underperformance, and it may have pushed him to attempt such a drastic step. Meanwhile, the body has been shifted to mortuary of MBS hospital for post-mortem. The body has been moved to the mortuary of MBS Hospital for post-mortem.Before this, another NEET aspirant Sumit Panchal was found dead in his hostel room on April 29 in Kunheri area. His parents suspect that he was murdered. The incident follows closely after the recent suicide of another Neet aspirant, Sumit Panchal, from Haryana.