New Delhi: The body of Ayush Kumar, a 4-year-old student from Tiny Tot Academy School in Patna, Bihar, was discovered in a drain on Friday. The shocking case took a dark turn when the school principal confessed to the crime.Principal admits to crimeDuring police interrogation, school principal Veena Jha, also known as Putul Jha, admitted to throwing Ayush in the drain. She revealed that Ayush had fallen from a slide while playing, causing him to lose consciousness and sustain a head injury. Fearing the consequences of the profuse bleeding, she informed her 21-year-old son, Dhananjay Jha. Together, they cleaned the bloodstains and disposed of Ayushs body in the drain, hoping to cover up the incident.Discovery of Ayushs bodyThe police recovered Ayushs body late on Friday night, leading to widespread shock and anger in the community. The principal and her son were detained, and during questioning, the principal detailed the horrifying sequence of events.Eyewitness accountAyushs 5-year-old sister, Priya, also a student at the school, witnessed part of the incident. She recounted seeing Dhanraj Sir placing Ayush in the drain and covering it with a wooden plank and a plastic sack. Priya claimed that when she confronted Dhanraj, he threatened her, warning her not to tell anyone, which scared her into silence.Police statementCity SP Central Chandra Prakar stated that Ayush was injured while playing, leading to significant bleeding. Instead of seeking medical help, the principal and her son panicked and hid the child in the drain, resulting in his death. Both have confessed to their actions.Community outrageFollowing the discovery of Ayushs body, enraged locals vandalized and set fire to the school campus. The boys family placed his body on the road in protest, blocking it until the police intervened and calmed the situation. Three individuals associated with the school administration were arrested.Legal action initiatedAn FIR has been registered at Digha police station concerning Ayushs death, encompassing charges of murder, sabotage, and arson.