The Enforcement Directorate (ED) issued its fourth summons to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday asking him to appear on January 18 for the probe in the Delhi excise case. The summon from the central probe agency has come after the Delhi Chief minister refused to depose before the ED for the third time on January 3.Enforcement Directorate (ED) has issued fourth summon to Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal in connection with the liquor policy case. He has been asked to appear before ED on 18th January: Sources(file pic)— ANI (@ANI) January 13, 2024ED issued a third summons to CM Kejriwal on December 22 last year, in connection with the alleged Delhi liquor scam case, asking him to appear before the agency on January 3.Before this, he was summoned by the ED on December 18, asking him to appear before the central agency for questioning on December 21. Kejriwal was first summoned on November 2, but he did not depose, alleging that the notice was vague, motivated and unsustainable in law.Kejriwals responseAfter skipping the third summons of the investigating agency Kejriwal in his response to ED, expressed his readiness to cooperate with the investigation agency but declined to appear on the summoned date, calling the notice illegal.In addition to this, he also questioned the agency for not responding to his earlier replies when the summons was sent to him and he had raised certain queries on the nature of the agencys investigation.