New Delhi: In a unique case, the Karnataka High Court on Thursday intervened in favor of a man facing charges under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for allegedly denying his wife French fries. Justice M Nagaprasanna deemed the complaint trivial and stayed the investigation, calling it an abuse of the process of law.The wifes complaint accused her husband of cruelty by refusing to let her eat French fries, rice, and meat shortly after the birth of their child. The husband, however, argued that the accusations were frivolous, highlighting that he had been burdened with all household chores during their six-year stay in the United States, while his wife spent most of her time watching television and chatting on the phone.HC lends attention The High Court agreed with the husbands contention, noting that continuing the investigation would lend undue credibility to a baseless allegation. “Allowing any investigation against the husband would become an abuse of the process of law and put a premium on the wifes allegation that she was not given French fries at the relevant point of time,” stated Justice Nagaprasanna in his ruling.In addition to staying the investigation, the Court also granted permission for the husband to travel back to the United States for work, provided he adheres to his commitment to cooperate with the ongoing legal proceedings. The Court observed that the Look Out Circular (LOC) issued against him was being misused as a weapon and added that the entire complaint lacked substance. This ruling brings to light the growing concerns over the misuse of Section 498A, often criticized for being used as a tool for harassment in marital disputes.