In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a 20-year-old woman, Anjali Ambigera, met a brutal end in her sleep in Hubballi, Karnataka. The perpetrator, identified as Girish Sawant, 23, allegedly stormed into her room and carried out the fatal attack, reportedly due to her refusal of his romantic gestures. Anjalis sister, Yashodha, revealed that Girish had been persistently harassing Anjali, pressuring her into a relationship, and even issuing threats reminiscent of a recent similar tragedy involving Neha Hiremath. Despite informing the authorities about the threats, no decisive action was taken, lamented Yashodha.Investigation underwayGopal Byakod, SP Hubballi Dharwad, confirmed the incident, indicating that the motive behind Anjalis murder is yet to be fully established. The police have initiated a thorough investigation into the matter to unravel the circumstances surrounding this distressing incident.Demand for justiceAnjalis family and outraged members of the community took to the streets in Hubballi, demanding immediate and stringent action against the accused. Their voices echoed demands for justice as they rallied for accountability in the face of this grievous loss.Similar incident in Madhya PradeshIn a disturbing incident in Kutwar village, located in Madhya Pradeshs Morena district, a man allegedly assaulted his elderly parents with an iron rod while they were asleep in their home. The accused, said to be grappling with mental health issues, inflicted fatal injuries on his parents, Om Prakash Sharma (70) and Urmila Sharma (65), resulting in their tragic demise.Moreover, the assailant made an attempt to harm his younger brother, who fortunately managed to escape with minor injuries to his legs. Om Prakash Sharma, a retired teacher and father of five children, resided with two of his sons, while the others had their own accommodations elsewhere.