Police from Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh, have apprehended a 41-year-old guy who was engaged in the kidnapping and murder of a grain trader on the day of Karva Chauth in Delhi 20 years ago. There, the accused used to sell Chole-Bhatura by pretending to be someone else. Although he was residing as Gurdayal, his true name is Sipahi Lal. The culprit will be brought to Delhi by the police, where he will be questioned.The research indicates that this murderous act happened on October 31, 2004. It was Karva Chauth that day. The primary culprit, Sipahi Lal, abducted grain dealer Ramesh Chand Gupta for ransom together with his friends Mukesh Vats, Sharif Khan, Kamlesh, and Rajesh. According to Rakesh Pavaria, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch), the victim had been brutalized by the four suspects. His face got sprayed with paint multiple times. After then, he was repeatedly stabbed with a knife until he passed away. Shakarpur resident Ramesh had driven away from home to do some work but had never come back. The family members tried calling multiple times but received no answer.More case on the insides According to DCP, Ramesh Guptas brother Jagdish Kumar reported the kidnapping to the Shalimar Bagh police station after his brother did not reply to many calls. He voiced skepticism over the local fruit and vegetable vendor, Mukesh Vats. Rameshs automobile was found by Bahadurgarh CIA police on November 2, 2004, but he was nowhere to be found. Mukesh Vats, who had admitted to his role in the crime, was taken into custody by the police team in the meantime. He admitted to the police that he had kidnapped Ramesh Gupta for ransom together with his friends Sipahi Lal, Sharif Khan, Kamlesh, and Rajesh. Each of the four defendants worked for Mukesh Vats. He requested a meeting with Ramesh Gupta.Murder on the looseHe was then brought to a chamber in the village of Karala. There, they all doused the sufferer in color to torture him. They stabbed the victim multiple times till he passed out. His body was placed in a sack and dumped in Karala Villages drain following his murder. The victims body was removed from the drain by the police at Mukeshs request. Following this, Kamlesh and Sharif Khan from Karala village were taken into custody. But Rajesh and constable Lal managed to get away. Following an extended period without an arrest, the court listed him as a wanted criminal. Informers finally gave the police information on Sipahi Lals whereabouts in Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh, after they had been waiting for nearly twenty years.To apprehend Constable Lal, the police devised a comprehensive plan. In response, ASI Sonu Nain, a police officer, began to move a mango cart across the spot where the killer had previously positioned his Chole-Bhatura cart. The cops apprehended him after two days of his identity being verified. Sipahi Lal used to operate a cart with the name Gurdayal Chole Wala in Mainpuris Ramlila Ground.The case unlockedIn this instance, the court condemned Mukesh Vats, Sharif Khan, and Kamlesh to life in jail after the police presented a charge sheet against them. The police will now file a charge sheet against Constable Lal in court after making the arrest. This means that he will probably receive a life sentence. Rajesh, the fourth accused, is still evading capture. The hunt is on for him.