An alarming incident has shaken the tranquility of Jaunpur district in Uttar Pradesh, where the security guard of former MP Dhananjay Singh was fatally shot on Tuesday night. Identified as Anees Khan, the deceased was targeted in Sikrara village, sending shockwaves through the community. Prompt police intervention ensued, rushing Anees to the hospital, where tragically, he succumbed to his injuries.Whereabouts of Dhananjay SinghMeanwhile, Dhananjay Singh finds himself in judicial custody at present. The timing of the incident is particularly unsettling as Shrikala Singh Reddy, wife of Dhananjay Singh, has recently been announced as the candidate for the Jaunpur Lok Sabha seat from former CM Mayawatis BSP. This grim occurrence casts a shadow over the electoral atmosphere in the region.Close Ties and Tragic EventsAnees Khan, the victim, shared a close bond with former MP Dhananjay Singh, adding a poignant layer to the tragedy. The assailants, shrouded in anonymity, launched a sudden and vicious attack on Khan, leaving him critically wounded. The swift response from villagers and law enforcement authorities underscores the gravity of the situation.Police Probe UnderwaySuperintendent of Police Dr Ajay Pal Sharma has assured that a thorough investigation has been initiated to uncover the truth behind the heinous crime. The community remains on edge as speculations abound, awaiting clarity and justice. In the aftermath of Anees Khans untimely demise, supporters of Dhananjay Singh have erupted in protest, demanding answers and accountability.