In Bharat Nagar, New Delhi, a lively cricket match turned into a nightmare as a 22-year-old lost his life after a brawl. The victim, Vishal was an employee at a cosmetic store, resided in the same locality with his family. The police were alerted to the incident around 3 pm on a Saturday afternoon. Responding promptly, a police team arrived at the scene.Initial investigations revealed that Vishals younger brother, Kunal, was engaged in a cricket game when an argument erupted among the players. Seeking assistance, Kunal reached out to Vishal, who was at home at the time.Brothers call turns fatalUpon Vishals arrival at the cricket ground, he attempted to defuse the situation and halt the altercation. Unfortunately, things took a violent turn, with the opposing group attacking him with bats. Sustaining severe injuries, Vishal was immediately rushed to the hospital. Despite efforts to save him, he succumbed to his injuries, as confirmed by the police.What has family saidRelatives of the deceased claim that the altercation stemmed from a dispute involving a boy who sought to join the ongoing cricket match midway. When denied entry, he instigated the scuffle. Vishal was a married man with a child and was about to celebrate his sons first birthday on Sunday, May 12. His untimely demise has left his family devastated, grappling with the loss.Quest for justiceThe police have detained several suspects connected to the case and are currently interrogating them. They remain optimistic about apprehending the main perpetrator soon, ensuring justice for Vishal and his grieving family.