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India to build 'tourism infrastructure' in Lakshadweep

Plans to expand tourism in Lakshadweep are being implemented as the Union government has received the proposal for a large airport and construction for more accommodation has begun.

Edited By: Shruti Chopra
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Lakshadeep's administrator, Pratful Patel see great potential in Lakshadweep as a tourism location and are developing the tourism infrastructure of the union territory. They are planning to develop a large airport and build more accommodation to host future tourists. 

PM Modi's noticeable visit to Lakshadweep 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit on January 2 to Lakshadweep has brought much attention to the islands of Maldives. He wishes to bring more tourism to this hidden gem. The beautiful and peaceful surroundings have the potential to attract travellers to the area. He has expressed that Lakshadweep is "full of many possibilities" and shared photos of the admirable destination. 

MP Modi's post regarding his Lakshadeep visit:

Global interest arose after the distribution of the images and people are looking forward to visiting Lakshadweep. Pratful Patel (Lakshadweep's administrator) has conveyed his excitement towards the growing global attention that the Union Territory has garnered most of the MP's visit.

Lakshadweep - A New key to tourism in India 

Both Narendra Modi and Pratful Patel have displayed great trust in the potential of what they believe Lakshadweep has to offer. Patel has witnessed an increase in inquiries from future visitors and that too from around the world. He stated, "This will give a big boost to its economy and generate opportunities for locals". The tourism that Lakshadweep will witness is predicted to benefit the economic health of the region and in turn, will be fruitful for the local community. Patel has declared, "The natural beauty of Lakshadweep carries immense possibilities for the development of the tourism sector". Therefore, the administration department has focused their efforts towards making the Union Territory more tourism friendly.  

Developments for "tourism infrastructure" underway

Plans to build a large airport as well as implement 1000 new accommodations for travellers are being implemented. Patel informed "At the moment there is a small airport. Looking at this, the prime minister has directed us to work towards developing a proper airport". He further disclosed that proposals for a larger airport have already been submitted to the Union government. Regarding the accommodations Patel has announced that plans are on their way for adding 1,000 new accommodations, of which 225 rooms are already under construction. Another interesting development to note is that water villas in Kadmat and Suheli are under development.

Growth in the tourism infrastructure of Lakshadweep will unlock the true potential of the location and open new doors for India's tourism.
