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Hyderabad: Man chasing dog falls from third floor, not victim of attack; CCTV footage reveals insights | VIDEO

As seen in the video shared on social media, the man was pursuing the dog when he lost control and tragically slipped, falling from the third floor of the building.

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The incident was initially reported with claims that the man was trying to escape a dog chasing him. (X/sudhakarudumula)

New Delhi: Recently released CCTV footage has shed new light on a previously reported incident involving a man who fell from the third floor of a building. Contrary to initial reports that suggested the man was being chased by a dog, the new video shows that he was actually chasing the dog before he slipped and fell.

The misreported incident is now clarified

The incident was initially reported with claims that the man was trying to escape a dog chasing him. However, the newly surfaced close-up CCTV video clearly shows the opposite. In the video, the man is seen running after the dog, losing his balance, and slipping from the third floor. This shocking footage has raised questions about the accuracy of earlier reports and highlights the importance of video evidence in clarifying incidents.

Slipping accident captured on video

As seen in the video shared on social media, the man was pursuing the dog when he lost control and tragically slipped, falling from the third floor of the building. The viral footage has sparked widespread discussions, particularly as initial reports created a misleading narrative of the event. The incident serves as a reminder of how quick judgments can be made without all the facts being presented.

Questions arise over initial reports

The emergence of this video has cast doubt on the original reports that circulated about the man's fall. As the footage continues to circulate online, viewers are left wondering how such a significant detail was overlooked in the initial reporting of the event.
