In a devastating turn of events, a brutal crime unfolded in Bihars Purnia, as a man mercilessly murdered his younger brothers wife, leaving the entire community stunned. Ranjana Devi fell victim to a vicious attack with a sharp weapon in her own home, sending shockwaves throughout Prasadpur village, within the Champanagar police station area.The dreadful incident transpired on a seemingly ordinary Tuesday afternoon, while Ranjana Devi was resting peacefully in her home. Suddenly, her brother-in-law, identified as Pintu Mahato, launched a ruthless assault, inflicting fatal injuries on the unsuspecting victim.Love turned tragicKanhaiya Mahato, the grieving husband of the deceased, shared the heart-wrenching tale of their love story, which culminated tragically. Amidst their struggles as laborers in Ludhiana, Punjab, Kanhaiya and Ranjana found solace in each others company, eventually tying the knot against all odds. Little did they know that their union would be cut short in just seven short months.Horrific details emergeRevelations about the victims history of abuse at the hands of her brother-in-law shed light on the extent of the tragedy. In addition to ending Ranjanas life in a fit of rage, the assailant subjected her to unimaginable horrors, including mutilation and desecration.Authorities acted immediately in the aftermath of the heinous crime, apprehending the accused, Pintu Mahato. An FIR has been lodged, and investigations are underway. Ranjana Devis body has been sent for post-mortem examination, with plans for its subsequent return to her grieving family.