A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Haryanas Shivaji Nagar, where Nidhi, the Vice Principal of Adarsh Public School, met a tragic end at the hands of her brother-in-law. The incident occurred at their residence above the school on Saturday night, resulting in Nidhis untimely demise and injuries to her son and the accused individual.How did it happen The assailant, identified as Navneet, aged 45, engaged in a heated altercation with Nidhi, leading to a violent confrontation. Navneet, who had previously struggled with alcohol addiction and had recently returned from a rehabilitation center, allegedly resorted to attacking Nidhi with a knife during the dispute.As the situation escalated, Nidhis son intervened to protect his mother, resulting in both him and Navneet sustaining injuries in the struggle. The altercation drew attention, prompting locals to alert the police.Victims son admitted to hospital Upon arriving at the scene, Shivaji Nagar police found Nidhi, her son, and Navneet injured and transported them to a nearby hospital. Despite medical efforts, Nidhi succumbed to her injuries during treatment.The tragic incident has left the community in shock, especially as Nidhi was not only a respected figure within the school but also a beloved family member. Navneet, who is married and has two children of his own, now faces serious legal consequences for his actions.