New Delhi: In a disturbing incident at Vihaan Heritage in Sector 1, Greater Noida West, a stray dog was reportedly thrown off the terrace of the Sapphire 2 tower on Sunday, resulting in the immediate death of the animal. Authorities have launched an investigation, focusing on CCTV footage to ascertain whether the dog fell accidentally or was deliberately pushed.CCTV footage captured the incidentAccording to Sushmita, a resident and complainant, CCTV footage captured the dog entering the tower around 1:53 am on Sunday. The tragic incident occurred at approximately 2:15 am, with the dog seen plummeting from the seventh-floor terrace. The discovery was made public when a guard shared a photograph of the deceased dog on the societys group around 3 am, though most residents learned of the incident later in the afternoon.Watch videoग्रेटर नोएडा सेक्टर 1 के विहान हेरिटेज सफ़ायर सोसाइटी में रहने वाले लोगो ने इस कुतिया को खाना देने के बहाने छत में ले जा के ऊपर से नीचे फेंक दिया और कुतिया की तुरंत मृत्यु हो गई। @Uppolice संज्ञान ले।@DCPGreaterNoida @noidapolice @myogiadityanath @PMOIndia @112UttarPradesh— Surbhi Rawat PFA (@surbhirawatpfa) June 22, 2024Identity of the perpetrator unknown Due to the absence of cameras on individual floors within the tower, the footage exclusively recorded the dogs fall. We are convinced that someone threw the dog from the terrace, but we do not know the identity of the perpetrator, Sushmita emphasized.What animal activist said Animal activist Surbhi Rawat expressed concern, stating, We await footage from an additional CCTV camera to gather clues about the culprit responsible, ensuring appropriate action can be taken.No police case till now Currently, no First Information Report (FIR) has been filed in connection with the incident. Police authorities have assured ongoing investigations into the matter.