New Delhi: A high-tension drama involving a woman passenger unfolded at Pune Airport in Maharashtra, leading to her arrest. The woman, traveling with her husband from Pune to Delhi, sparked chaos on board a private airline, eventually leading to a physical altercation with a CISF personnel. The incident began when the woman, seated next to her husband, initiated a verbal confrontation with fellow passengers. As tensions escalated, the airline crew intervened, attempting to defuse the situation. However, the womans behavior only worsened, and she began to misbehave with the crew members as well. Given the disruption, the flight crew made the decision to deboard the woman and her husband from the aircraft.Assault on CISF personnelThe situation took a further dramatic turn when a female CISF officer was tasked with escorting the woman out of the airport. In a shocking display of aggression, the woman slapped the CISF personnel. The altercation prompted immediate action from the CISF, who swiftly informed the local police. Upon arrival, the police arrested the woman and took her into custody.Emergency trip to Delhi ends in arrestAccording to Inspector Ajay Sankeshwari, the woman, a housewife, was on an emergency trip to Delhi due to the sudden death of a relative. Her husband, a software engineer based in Pune, was accompanying her on the journey. The incident occurred at approximately 7:45 a.m. on Saturday at Lohgaon Airport.Inspector Sankeshwari further revealed that the police have initiated an investigation into the case, including the role of the womans husband. After recording her statement, the woman was released with a notice to cooperate in the ongoing investigation.Investigation underwayAs the police probe continues, questions remain about the cause of the womans erratic behavior and the extent of her husbands involvement. The altercation has raised concerns about the security protocols and the behavior of passengers during emergencies.The authorities are committed to conducting a thorough investigation to ensure that such incidents do not repeat in the future.