Roads convert into rivers as rain chokes major smart-cities, distressing VIDEOS here

The meteorological department has issued warnings for continued heavy rainfall in these regions, urging residents to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel. The forecast predicts intermittent showers over the next few days, which could exacerbate the existing waterlogging issues.

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Courtesy: X/ANI

New Delhi: Heavy rainfall has led to extensive waterlogging in several states across India, including Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, and Bihar. The downpourhas severely disrupted normal life, causing significant challenges for residents. Several videos have surfaced online. Take a look at all the visuals here: 

Tamil Nadu 

In Tamil Nadu, several low-lying areas in Chennai experienced waterlogging, leading to traffic congestion and delays in public transport. Local authorities are working to pump out excess water from inundated streets to restore normalcy.


Delhi also faced its share of woes as heavy rain inundated roads and caused waterlogging in various parts of the city. Commuters struggled with disrupted traffic flow, resulting in long delays during peak hours.



Uttar Pradesh 

Uttar Pradesh witnessed similar scenes, with cities like Lucknow and Kanpur grappling with waterlogged streets. The incessant rain added to the woes of residents already dealing with the aftermath of previous downpours.



In Kerala, the situation was compounded by heavy rains that triggered landslides and flash floods in some hilly areas. Rescue teams have been deployed to evacuate affected residents to safer locations and provide necessary relief efforts.


Bihar, too, reported waterlogging in urban centers like Patna and Gaya. The state government has activated disaster response teams to manage the situation and assist those stranded by the rising water levels.


In Mumbai, the situation was compounded by heavy rains that triggered landslides and flash floods in some hilly areas. Rescue teams have been deployed to evacuate affected residents to safer locations and provide necessary relief efforts.

IMD warning on rain

The meteorological department has issued warnings for continued heavy rainfall in these regions, urging residents to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel. The forecast predicts intermittent showers over the next few days, which could exacerbate the existing waterlogging issues.

Authorities are on high alert, coordinating efforts to drain waterlogged areas and minimize the impact on daily life. Residents are advised to exercise caution, adhere to safety guidelines, and seek assistance if needed during this challenging weather period. As the monsoon season progresses, monitoring and response measures remain crucial to mitigating the effects of heavy rainfall and ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens affected by the weather conditions across India.