In Haridwar, a shocking incident unfolded as local police were witnessed brutally beating the head of a family in public, despite desperate pleas from his children and wife. The distressing scene unfolded as bystanders watched in disbelief, questioning the severity of the police response. Incident sparked outrage The incident has sparked outrage and raised serious concerns about police conduct and accountability. Witnesses recount the heartbreaking sight of the familys pleas falling on deaf ears, highlighting a troubling disregard for humanity and justice. Authorities are facing mounting pressure to address the incident and ensure such actions are thoroughly investigated and prevented in the future.Reason still not clear However, it is not clear why police is beating the man. It will be clear once any action will be taken. Watch video hereहरिद्वार पुलिस ये सब क्या है एक परिवार के सामने उसके मुखिया को क्यों पीट रहे हैं बच्चे–पत्नी गिड़गिड़ा रहे थे, फिर भी दया नहीं आई— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) June 16, 2024Heres how people reacted The X users have reacted on the video where one user wrote, यह कहा का न्याय है,देवभूमि की पुलिस ऐसा व्यवहार क्यों कर रही है. Another user wrote, ये क्या हो रहा है. While one user wrote, बेशरम पुलिस.