In a disturbing turn of events, a man in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, has left a community reeling after committing gruesome act. Strangling his wife before taking his own life, the grim details of the incident, including a selfie with the lifeless body, have sent shockwaves through the region. Originally from Etah, the couple had settled in Ghaziabad. While the husband worked locally in Loni, his wife commuted to Noida for her job. However, simmering tensions over her daily travels led to frequent clashes between them, hinting at deeper underlying issues.Tragic turn of eventsAmidst escalating disputes, the husband resorted to a tragic solution. Using a scarf, he ended his wifes life, leaving behind a haunting image captured in a selfie with her deceased form. The act of violence not only claimed her life but also shattered the lives of their loved ones.UP : जिला गाजियाबाद में श्याम गोस्वामी ने पत्नी प्रिया की हत्या कर दी, फिर खुद भी फांसी लगाकर जान दे दी। पत्नी का मर्डर करके उसका सिर अपनी गोद में रखा, सेल्फी खींचकर रिश्तेदारों को भेजी। पत्नी का जॉब करना पति को पसंद नहीं था।— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) May 17, 2024Police responseAlarmed by the silence, the husbands brother rushed to the scene, only to be confronted by a scene of horror. Discovering his sister-in-laws lifeless body and his brother hanging nearby, he immediately alerted the authorities. The police, arriving promptly, initiated an investigation into the ghastly incident.Deputy Commissioners statementProviding insight into the tragedy, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dehat) Vivek Kumar Yadav shed light on the husbands chilling actions. Before taking his own life, the perpetrator captured a selfie with his deceased wife, a macabre gesture that stunned his relatives and underscored the gravity of the situation.