In a heartbreaking incident in Ghaziabad, a woman fell from the sixth floor of her apartment building while attempting to retrieve her mobile phone. Monisha, a resident of the Indirapuram Society, was standing on her balcony and recording a video reel when the accident occurred.According to witnesses, Monisha was casually filming a reel with her mobile phone when the device slipped from her grip. In a desperate attempt to catch the falling phone, she lost her balance and plunged from the balcony. The fall resulted in severe injuries, and she was rushed to a nearby hospital in critical condition.यह रील जान लेकर मानेगी…!!!देखिए गाजियाबाद इंदिरापुरम सोसाइटी में मोनिशा अपने फ्लैट की बालकनी में खड़ी होकर अपने मोबाइल से रील वीडियो शूट कर रही थी,तभी उसके हाथ से मोबाईल छूट गया जिसको पकड़ने के चक्कर मैं वह छठवीं मंजिल से नीचे गिर गई गंभीर हालत में अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया.— Arvind Sharma (@sarviind) August 13, 2024Upon arrival at the hospital, Monisha was immediately taken into emergency care. The medical team is working tirelessly to stabilize her condition. Her family and friends are anxiously waiting for updates, hoping for a swift recovery.The incident has left the Indirapuram Society community in shock. Neighbors have expressed their concerns about the safety measures in high-rise buildings and the importance of exercising caution when using mobile devices near open balconies.