In a bizarre turn of events, a man presumed dead stunned his family and friends by walking into the prayer ceremony held in his memory in Gujarats Mehsana. The man, 43-year-old Brijesh Suthar, had been missing since October 27. His family, unable to locate him, had mistakenly cremated an unidentified body, believing it to be Brijesh.Mistaken identity leads to emotional turmoilBrijesh, a resident of Naroda, was reported missing after he failed to return home. Despite filing a missing person complaint, his family received no updates until November 10, when police discovered a decomposed body near the Sabarmati bridge. Due to its decayed state, the family misidentified the body, as its build resembled Brijeshs. Overcome with grief, they conducted the cremation and arranged a prayer meet in his memory.Shocking appearance at prayer meetDuring the ceremony on Friday, Brijeshs unexpected arrival left everyone in disbelief. We searched everywhere, but his phone was switched off. When the police showed us the body, its condition made identification difficult, said Brijeshs mother. The family later revealed that Brijesh had been struggling with depression, possibly stemming from financial troubles, which may have contributed to his disappearance.Unanswered questionsWhile Brijeshs return brought immense relief to his family, the incident raised a critical question: whose body was cremated Authorities have launched an investigation to identify the deceased individual mistakenly cremated as Brijesh.Brijesh has yet to disclose where he was during his disappearance, leaving many aspects of the case shrouded in mystery. This extraordinary mix-up has left his family both relieved and perplexed as police work to solve the mystery of the unidentified body.