In a disturbing turn of events, a young man met a gruesome fate at the hands of his friend in the Bhikangaon police station area in Madhya Pradesh. The tragedy unfolded in Sirali village, where Pankaj Kirode, a 22-year-old BSc student, tragically lost his life. Pankaj arranged to meet his friend Deepak in Sirali but was intercepted by another friend, Pradeep Singh, and a minor accomplice. Under false pretenses, they led Pankaj to a secluded forest area in Khandwa district.Brutal Attack on friendOn May 17th, while on his way to Sirali, Pankaj requested Deepak to pick him up. As Deepak was unavailable, Pradeep Singh, accompanied by a minor, was sent instead. Pradeep met Pankaj at Dhadwa village and convinced him to go to the Bherukheda forest in Khandwa district. In a secluded area called Attar Talwadiya, Pradeep struck Pankajs head with a large stone, causing severe injuries. Pradeeps brutality continued as he poured petrol on Pankaj and set him on fire. In an attempt to conceal his crime, Pradeep buried the partially burnt body in a pit intended for saplings. He then returned to the village, carrying Pankajs mobile phone. The following day, Pradeep called Pankajs mother, pretending to be him, and later switched off the phone to avoid suspicion.When Pankaj didnt come back home and his phone was turned off, his family grew concerned and filed a missing person report at the Bhikangaon police station. As the investigation progressed, Pradeeps contradictory statements aroused suspicion. Under intense interrogation, he admitted to the crime and disclosed the whereabouts of Pankajs body.Unraveling the motiveInvestigations revealed that Pradeep held a grudge against Pankaj for intervening in his romantic relationship, which led to a fallout between the two friends.Legal proceedingsPradeep has been arrested and is currently undergoing interrogation. Authorities are delving deeper into the case to uncover additional details surrounding this tragic incident.