Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 14-year-old boy was allegedly made to lick shoes and perform unnatural sex on three of his friends, who also recorded the act and sent it to his mother in Delhi.This incident occurred in the posh Hauz Khas area in south Delhi on Sunday when the boy was returning to his home after playing at Central Park in Connaught Place, said the police.What happened on Sunday in Delhis Hauz Khas areaAccording to the police, he was on his way back home at around 6:30 pm when three of his friends aged between 12 and 14 years, forcefully took him to some isolated place. Citing police, news agency ANI reported, “One of the accused pointed a vegetable knife and put his private part in his (the complainant) mouth. The trio also captured that act on their mobile phone.”Following this, this horrible episode was posted on Instagram as well, showing the boy being made to crouch at knifepoint, which his friends made him lick their shoes and then forced him to perform an unnatural act, PTI quoted police as saying.The accused also threatened the boy with dire consequences if he told anyone about the act and, out of fear, he did not tell his parents about the incident, the police said.Video sent to victims motherDespite the warning, one of the three accused sent the video of this depressing act to the boys mother, who then approached the local police on Sunday.Immediately, the police took the boy for a medical exam and then to counseling.Case filed against 3 accusedBased on the boys statement, a case has been lodged under sections 377 (unnatural sex) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and 12 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences at the Hauz Khas Police Station.The three accused have been arrested and are being questioned, the police added.