New Delhi: In a disturbing incident from Karnatakas Chikkamagaluru, a yoga guru has been taken into custody on charges of sexually assaulting a foreign woman. The yoga guru who had reportedly gained the trust of the woman by claiming that they shared a deep, past-life connection, allegedly used this supposed spiritual bond to manipulate and exploit her, leaving her a victim of sexual assault. The arrest comes after the woman came forward with her harrowing account, detailing how the gurus actions had left her feeling violated and betrayed and sparking widespread outrage and condemnation. Details of the allegationsThe complainant, a resident of California with family roots in Punjab, reported the incidents to the rural police station. She had been participating in online yoga classes and met the accused, Pradeep Ullal, through a mutual friend in 2020. According to her complaint, Ullal began inappropriately touching her under the pretense of energy work and kundali block, claiming that their souls were linked from a previous incarnation.The woman alleged that between 2021 and 2022, she was invited to Ullals yoga center near Mallenahalli on several occasions. During these visits, she claimed she was sexually assaulted multiple times. The situation reportedly escalated in 2022, resulting in rape that led to a pregnancy, which ultimately ended in miscarriage.A yoga guru in #Karnatakas #Chikkamagaluru has been arrested on charges of raping a foreign woman by convincing her that they shared a relationship in a previous birth.The woman, who had been taking online yoga lessons, filed a complaint at the rural police station. She…— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) September 3, 2024Investigation is ongoing Upon receiving the womans complaint, authorities acted fast, resulting in the swift arrest of Pradeep Ullal. The police are now conducting a thorough investigation into the allegations, working to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served.