A major disruption unfolded during a political event for BJP candidate and former Haryana minister Anil Vij, as farmers staged a protest against him. The demonstration, which took place in the village of Shahpur within the Ambala Cantt assembly constituency, was fueled by allegations of violence against farmers at the Shambhu and Khanauri borders.The protestors, organized by the Bharatiya Kisan Union (Shaheed Bhagat Singh), accused Vij of ordering gunfire against farmers at these borders. This escalation led to Vij abruptly leaving the event amidst the heated situation. The discontent was further highlighted by simultaneous demonstrations against Dushyant Chautala, who also faced protests and black flags at another location.हरियाणा : अंबाला कैंट से BJP प्रत्याशी और पूर्व मंत्री अनिल विज के कार्यक्रम में हंगामा। बॉर्डर पर बैठे किसानों पर गोली चलवाने से आक्रोशित थे किसान। अनिल विज को कार्यक्रम छोड़कर जाना पड़ा। एक दूसरी जगह दुष्यंत चौटाला को भी काले झंडे दिखाए गए।#HaryanaElection pic.twitter.com/d3eN0qRUoI— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) September 16, 2024Anil Vijs ambitious political aspirationsIn the midst of the ongoing Haryana assembly elections, Anil Vij stirred the political scene with a bold statement regarding his political ambitions. Speaking at an event in Ambala on September 15, Vij expressed his intent to vie for the position of Chief Minister.“I am a senior MLA of Haryana. I have been an MLA six times and am contesting elections for the seventh time,” Vij stated. He further added, “I have never asked for anything from the party till date, but this time the people of entire Haryana and Ambala are putting a lot of pressure on me to become the Chief Minister. That is why this time I will claim the post of Chief Minister on the basis of being a senior leader. Whether they make me CM or not is their jurisdiction.”#WATCH | BJP candidate from Ambala Cantt Assembly constituency Anil Vij says, I am the senior most MLA of BJP in Haryana. I have contested elections for 6 times. On the demand of people, I will claim for the designation of CM on the basis of my seniority this time. However, it… pic.twitter.com/jdwQt9nKSS— ANI (@ANI) September 15, 2024Vij asserted his commitment to transforming Haryanas landscape if elected as Chief Minister. “If I am made the Chief Minister, I will change the fate of Haryana I will change the face of Haryana,” he promised. Vij, who has served as an MLA from Ambala for six terms and held the position of Home Minister, is now campaigning for his seventh term in the assembly.