In a picturesque village nestled in Madhya Pradesh, Lalita (name changed), a young woman from Lidhora Habeli, Datia district, found herself entangled in a web of love and deception that began on Facebook. Aditya, who also went by the name Arjun Dohre, captivated Lalitas heart with his online persona. Presenting himself as a suave gentleman from Jaipur and the offspring of a former MLA, Adityas promises of eternal love soon turned Lalitas world upside down.Fake promise of loveAs their virtual bond deepened, Aditya pledged to make Lalita his bride, cementing their commitment with physical visits and intimate moments. Lalita, swept up in the whirlwind romance, eagerly awaited their impending nuptials.Amidst the fervor of wedding preparations at Hariom Marriage Garden in Bhander, Lalitas dreams were shattered when Aditya failed to show up with the wedding procession as promised. His phone went silent, leaving Lalita standing alone in her bridal attire, betrayed and abandoned.Seeking justiceDevastated by Adityas deceit, Lalita mustered the courage to report the betrayal to the Bhander police station. With meticulous investigation using mobile and car registration details, the police uncovered Adityas true identity hailing from Bijanpura village, Datia.Everything is fake!Contrary to his grand claims, Adityas origins were not in Jaipur but in a neighboring village. The police wasted no time in initiating legal action against him, launching a search operation to bring the perpetrator to justice.