A day after Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjay Singh was sent into 5-day Enforcement Directorate (ED) custody till October 10, the probe agency has now summoned his close associates for questioning in the Delhi liquor police case. Vivek Tyagi and Sarvesh Mishra, considered to be close to the arrested AAP leader, will be before the ED on Friday (October 06).Close aides of Sanjay Singh summoned by ED todayOn Thursday, AAP spokesperson Sarvesh Mishra was named by the ED as it sought Sanjay Sainghs custody in link to its probe into the controversial Delhi liquor case.ED has summoned three associates of Sanjay Singh to join the investigation. Vivek Tyagi, Sarvesh Mishra and Kanwarbir Singh have been summoned. Sarvesh Mishra is likely to appear before ED today. ED will confront all these three persons with Sanjay Singh who is in ED remand till…— ANI (@ANI) October 6, 2023 According to ED, Sarvesh has received Rs 1 crore on behalf of the Rajya Sabha MP.Both Tyagi and Mishra are likely to be questioned in this case by the central probe agency today, alongside Sanjay Singh, said the sources.3 AAP leaders arrested by agency so farNotably, Sanjay Singh is the third AAP leader to be arrested by the agency in over a year. Earlier, Manish Sisodia and Satyendar Jain were arrested in separate cases.Singh was arrested after being questioned for more than 10 hours at his residence on Wednesday. The ED also carried out searches at his residence and the premises of several associated with the AAP MP.The probe agency has accused Sanjay Singh of being directly related to the receipt of the proceeds of crime amounting to Rs 2 crore in the Delhi liquor policy case. According to the probe agency, Sanjay Singh received the money from accused-turned-approver Dinesh Arora.