Himachal Pradesh: Six Congress MLAs in Himachal Pradesh faced disqualification from the Assembly after voting for BJPs candidate in the Rajya Sabha elections, breaching the party whip. This decision, announced by Assembly Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania, raises questions about the stability of the Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu government.Violation of WhipThe suspended MLAs defied the partys directive to support their own candidate, Abhishek Manu Singhvi, and instead cast their votes for BJPs Harsh Mahajan. Their actions were deemed to have violated anti-defection laws, leading to their disqualification from the Assembly.Impact on MajorityWith the disqualification, the Congresss majority in the Assembly has dwindled, now standing at 34 out of 68 seats. This development has weakened the partys position and sparked speculations about the governments sustainability in Himachal Pradesh.Potential No-Trust VoteThe reduction in Congress MLAs has raised the possibility of a no-trust vote against the Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu government. As the partys majority hangs in the balance, opposition parties may seize the opportunity to challenge the governments legitimacy.Key Figures DisqualifiedAmong the suspended MLAs are prominent figures like Rajinder Rana, Sudhir Sharma, and Vikramaditya Singh, the son of former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh. Singhs resignation earlier in the week added to the turmoil within the Congress ranks.Vikramaditya Singhs ResignationSinghs initial resignation and subsequent decision not to press for its acceptance underscored internal tensions within the Congress. His remarks about the partys reliance on his fathers legacy in the state elections highlight broader concerns about leadership and cohesion.Uncertain Political LandscapeThe disqualification of MLAs and the resignation saga have thrown Himachal Pradeshs political landscape into uncertainty. As the Congress grapples with internal dissent and opposition pressure, the future of the state government hangs in the balance.The disqualification of six Congress MLAs in Himachal Pradesh has set off a chain of political events, raising questions about the governments stability and triggering discussions about potential no-trust motions. The fallout from these developments could reshape the states political dynamics in the coming days.