New Delhi: In a bizarre incident in Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh, a young man named Chand Bhura was caught by locals while attempting to meet his girlfriend dressed in a burqa. The unusual sight of a man in such attire raised suspicion among the people, who then decided to confront him.Discovery of lighter pistolUpon being apprehended, Chand Bhura was searched by the locals, who discovered a lighter pistol in his possession. This find further heightened concerns and led to a confrontation, during which the man was beaten by the crowd before being handed over to the police.Suspicion of crowdThe incident quickly escalated as more people gathered around, angered by the young mans actions. The crowd, already suspicious, took the law into their own hands before law enforcement could arrive. The situation was tense as the man was detained and later turned over to the authorities.उत्तर प्रदेश के जिला मुरादाबाद में गर्लफ्रेंड से मिलने के लिए चांद भूरा नामक युवक बुर्का पहनकर पहुंच गया। लोगों को शक हुआ और उसे पकड़ लिया। तलाशी में एक लाइटर पिस्टल भी मिली। फिर उसकी पिटाई हुई। पुलिस को सौंप दिया गया।— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) September 2, 2024Action taken by policeChand Bhura was eventually handed over to the local police, who are now investigating the incident. The police have taken custody of the lighter pistol and are looking into the motive behind the young mans actions, as well as the potential consequences of carrying such an item in public.Similar incidents in UPA man dressed as a woman to secretly meet his girlfriend in Ghaziabad. His awkward appearance and behavior aroused suspicion among locals, who confronted and caught him. He was later handed over to the police. Such a similar incident was witnessed in Bareilly when a man disguised in womens clothing was caught by locals after they noticed his suspicious behavior. During a search, a firearm was found in his possession. The man was beaten by the crowd before being handed over to the police.