Digital Arrest Scam in India: In a video that was posted on social media platform X where a user named who was attempted to be locked in a digital arrest by scammers flipped th game. He instad reacorded them as he played along. The individual received a call from an unknown number, which warned that their mobile numbers would be blocked within four hours due to accusations of sexual harassment and financial fraud. The scammers claimed to represent the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).2. First I received a call from an unknown number informing me that my mobile numbers would be blocked in the next 4 hours as they were being used for harassment and financial fraud.Scammers make this call in the name of Telecom regularity of India.— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) October 24, 2024Instructions from the scammersThe scammers instructed the individual to either visit the Lucknow police station in Uttar Pradesh within 12 hours or to register their statement via a WhatsApp video call. Most would likely choose the latter option. To capture the scam on record, the individual appeared to be in fear.Encountering the scammerUpon receiving a WhatsApp call, the individual was greeted by a scammer impersonating a police officer, who was in a setting designed to resemble a police station. This strategy convinces many victims that they are part of a legitimate police investigation.4. After receiving a WhatsApp call, I found a scammer in a police uniform and set up like a police station.This is why most people start to believe that this is a real police case.Watch this clip to learn how they started.— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) October 24, 2024Scammer verifies with 360-degree viewTo ensure no one was present with the individual, the scammer requested a 360-degree view of their surroundings using the back camera. Unbeknownst to the scammer, the individual was already aware of the ruse.Discussion on Aadhaar CardThe scammer proceeded to inquire about the individuals Aadhaar card, discussing its potential misuse while offering guidance on its appropriate use.6. In the next step, they start to inquire about my Aadhar Card and how we should use it to prevent it from being used illegally!— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) October 24, 2024Fabricating evidenceThe scammer provided instructions on the correct usage of an Aadhaar card, all while preparing a counterfeit document purportedly from the Supreme Court and TRI to lend credibility to their claims.A fake letterThe individual was presented with a forged letter containing their name and Aadhaar number, which the scammers had requested earlier. Ironically, the letter included a spelling error! What kind of scammers are these8. Here is the fake letter in which they used my name and Aadhar card number, which they asked me for at the beginning of this call, but they still made a spelling mistake!Kya Scammer Banenge ye log!— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) October 24, 2024Police impersonationA particularly interesting part of the scam involved the scammer using a walkie-talkie to make inquiries about the individual at police headquarters. The scammers tone became threatening once they were informed that an arrest was imminent. Listeners are encouraged to hear the entire conversation.False accusationsThe scammer wrongfully accused the individual of being involved in a money laundering case associated with Nawab Malik. This tactic aimed to identify the individuals bank accounts and the available funds for theft.10. They found my connection with Nawab Malik in a money laundering case!🥲Actually, this is a trick to know how many bank accounts you have and how much money you have in them so they can clean it!Listen to this conversation.— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) October 24, 2024Inquiring about financesFollowing this, the scammer asked whether the individual used UPI apps or online banking, intending to exploit these methods for fund transfers.Final threatUltimately, the scammer, posing as a police officer, escalated the case to the DCP, claiming the individual needed to transfer all their bank funds, which would be returned if they were found innocent, along with a certificate.12. In the End, the scammer police officer gives this case to DCP.He informed me that I needed to transfer all the money I had in my bank accounts, which would be returned if I was found innocent, and they would give me a certificate!— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) October 24, 2024Sensitive conclusionThe concluding part of this encounter is highly sensitive, leading the individual to refrain from sharing it publicly. They urge everyone to circulate this thread as widely as possible, as countless innocent individuals are targeted daily and lose substantial amounts of money. Only heightened awareness can help prevent such scams. Many have asked the individual to share the sensitive final segment, but they cannot do so. However, a brief preview of the events leading up to the complete scam is available.14. Many people are asking me to post last A-rated part which I cant!But here is the small trailer which started before the full movie😉— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) October 24, 2024