New Delhi: In a tragic incident in Delhis Karol Bagh area, an 18-year-old boy lost his life after an air conditioner unit fell from the second floor of a building, striking him on the head. The unfortunate event occurred around 7 PM on Saturday, August 17, when the victim, identified as Jitesh Chadha, was sitting on a stationary scooter and conversing with his friend, Pranshu.Caught on cameraThe horrifying accident was captured on CCTV footage, which shows the two boys talking near the buildings entrance. Jitesh was seated on the scooter while Pranshu stood beside him. Without warning, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner suddenly plummeted from the building, hitting Jitesh directly on the head and knocking both boys to the ground.Watch the video here:#Delhi l 19 year old boy dies after an AC unit falls on him from 3rd floor of a building In Karol Bagh.CCTV footage of the tragic incident surfaces online. #viralvideo— Neetu Khandelwal (@T_Investor_) August 18, 2024Immediate aftermathEmergency services were quickly called, and both boys were rushed to a nearby hospital. Unfortunately, doctors pronounced Jitesh dead upon arrival due to the severe head injuries he sustained. Pranshu, 17, who was also struck by the falling unit, is currently undergoing treatment for his injuries and is reported to be in critical condition.Investigation launchedFollowing the incident, the local police station at DBG Road registered a case and launched an investigation to determine the cause of the air conditioners fall. A forensic team was deployed to the scene to gather evidence and examine the circumstances that led to this tragic accident. Authorities are now working to establish whether negligence played a role in the fatal crash.