In an encounter near Ambedkar College in Northeast Delhi, three members of the notorious Hashim Baba gang were injured and apprehended by the police on the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday. The incident resulted in minor injuries to two police officers during the gunfight, which unfolded near Gokulpuri Metro station. Identity of gang membersThe injured gang members, identified as Ali alias Fahadh, Asif alias Khalid, and Alsejan alias Thotha, have been admitted to a local hospital for treatment. #WATCH | Delhi: North East DCP Joy Tirkey says, A firing incident occurred in Seelampur two days ago in which a man named Arbaaz was killed and one was injured... We had registered a case of murder and attempt to murder... Our special staff received information regarding their…— ANI (@ANI) March 11, 2024 #WATCH | Delhi: Encounter broke out between Delhi Police and three sharpshooters of Hashim Baba gang near Delhis Gokalpuri Metro Station, more than 2 dozen bullets were fired from both sides. The trio were injured in the encounter, and all three were admitted to hospital. They…— ANI (@ANI) March 11, 2024 Two police officers suffered injuriesIn this regard, officials said that three miscreants of the notorious Hashim Baba gang were injured and arrested after an encounter with the police near Ambedkar College in North-East Delhi. The incident resulted in minor injuries to two police officers during the gunfight, which unfolded near Gokulpuri Metro station. Around 23-24 shots were fired from both sides. Several shots of bullets were firedAccording to the police, several shots were fired from both sides, and three accused sustained bullet injuries to their legs. Investigations are on. The injured gang members are currently in police custody and will be subject to legal proceedings. Investigations into the encounter are still ongoing.