New Delhi News: In a surprising development, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Atishi has been selected to succeed Arvind Kejriwal as the next Chief Minister of Delhi. The decision was proposed by Kejriwal himself during a legislative meeting held on Tuesday. Atishi will now become the third woman to hold the position of Delhi Chief Minister, joining the ranks of Sushma Swaraj and Sheila Dikshit.Atishis financial standingAtishis latest financial affidavit reveals that she has disclosed assets valued at Rs 1.41 crore, with no liabilities attached. Her total gross asset value is Rs 1,20,12,824, while the overall total is slightly higher at Rs 1,25,12,823. Her assets include Rs 65,000 in cash and Rs 1,00,87,323 in deposits with banks and financial institutions. In addition, she holds Rs 18,60,500 in National Savings Schemes (NSS) and postal savings, as well as Rs 5,00,000 in insurance policies.A look at Atishis personal lifeAtishi is married to Praveen Singh, a highly qualified individual with degrees from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. The couple founded a commune in 2007, aiming to promote the concepts of gram swaraj (village self-governance) and humanistic education. Their efforts were centered in Madhya Pradesh, where they dedicated themselves to fostering communal living and educational values.Atishis political journey with AAPAtishi has been an active member of the Aam Aadmi Party since its inception in 2013. Known for her diligent work, she has played a crucial role in shaping the partys policies. Atishi gained prominence for her involvement in the Water Satyagraha in 2015, and although she contested the East Delhi seat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, she was defeated by BJP candidate Gautam Gambhir.