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A recent explosion in Delhi's Prashant Vihar area on Sunday (October 20) morning has taken a new twist, with claims surfacing on Telegram channels linked to Pakistan, suggesting that Khalistani operatives were behind the attack. The claim first emerged on the Telegram channel "Justice League India" (JLI), which shared CCTV footage allegedly from the blast site, asserting that the attack was carried out by Khalistani militants. The video and the accompanying message indicated that Khalistan had the means to strike at India at any moment. Soon after, the video and claims were propagated across multiple Pakistan-based Telegram channels, many of which are typically known to circulate updates from The Resistance Front (TRF), a Kashmir-based militant group.
Security experts suspect the involvement of Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI, in fueling these narratives to stoke militancy in India by using the Khalistan movement as a front. However, the authenticity of these claims is still under investigation by authorities.
Central agencies are currently probing the explosion in Delhi, which took place near a school wall in Prashant Vihar. Preliminary findings suggest the presence of low-grade explosives at the scene, with investigators recovering a white powdery substance suspected to be ammonium phosphate, commonly used in crude homemade bombs. In addition to this, wires and a battery were discovered near the blast site, and officials are analysing whether these items were connected to the explosion or if they were there prior to the incident.
The Delhi Police are investigating whether the blast was intended to send a message rather than cause widespread damage. The timing of the explosion in the early morning hours, and the targeting of a school wall suggest the intent may have been to avoid casualties while conveying a deliberate message.