New Delhi: The Rouse Avenue on Monday granted interim bail to the CEO of Raus IAS Study Circle CEO Abhishek Gupta and coordinator Deshpal Singh till December 7. The pair were arrested after three civil service aspirants drowned in the basement of the coaching centre in Delhis Old Rajinder Nagar on July 27.Principal District and Sessions Judge Anju Bajaj Chandna granted interim bail to Abhishek Gupta and Deshpal Singh.The court has granted interim bail to both accused in furnishing a bail bond of Rs one lakh and two sureties of the like amount. They have been granted interim bail till December 7, 2024. Additionally, the court has imposed a condition on Abhisek Gupta and directed him to deposit Rs 2.5 crore by November 30 this year with the Red Cross at the disposal of the Lt Governor.A similar direction was passed by the High Court on September 13 while granting bail to four land owners. They were directed to deposit Rs 5 crore to the Red Cross. Thereafter, a corpus was created. Previously, the Delhi High Court had granted interim bail to four co-owners of a basement linked to the deaths of the three IAS aspirants in Old Rajinder Nagar.The bench of Justice DK Sharma had also requested the Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) to form a committee, which will operate under the supervision of a retired High Court judge, to ensure that no coaching centres are run in basements without sanction across Delhi.Additionally, the court had directed the four co-owners of the basement to deposit Rs 5 crore to the Red Cross Society.Earlier, the Delhi High Court had asked the CBI to submit a status report addressing the primary causes of waterlogging in the area and the rainfall data from that day. The trial court had denied bail to the four co-owners and said that the liability of the co-owners stemmed from their illegal act of allowing the basement to be used as a coaching institute. (Except for the headline, nothing has been changed by Top Indian News in this news feed.)